Let the music play within you.

2 minute read | May 12, 2018

On occasions if you have been following these posts you will have heard me mention what I believe to be the definition of happiness. 'Happiness is living rich and meaningful life. Living a life of meaning and purpose.' Does living a rich and meaningful life mean that life will be perfect every second of every day? Definitely not. Does living a rich and meaningful life mean we we will experience every emotion, happiness, sadness, fear, anger and frustration. Definitely yes. Living a rich and meaningful life will mean we will experience every emotion. On occasions the wheels will come off. What makes the difference is how long we dwell on the negative  emotions and how quickly we move to a positive state of mind. Very often we forget to remember the things that have gone well. However we are pretty good at dwelling on those things that did not go so well.

Let the music play within you.

Here is a suggestion to let the music play within you. At the end of the day simply write down the things that went well. Read them out to yourself. This simple exercise will help you change your neural pathways. Moving you to a more positive state of mind. Doing this exercise on a daily basis will support you in living a rich and meaningful life. However I hear you say. I had a really bad day today. The good news is you can still create a positive state of mind. Think of you favourite song. Ask yourself why does that song make you feel so good. Feel how good that feels. Notice how your mood changes as you hear that favourite song in your mind.

Let the music play within you.

Your favourite song maybe on this Be Happy - Be Inspired Podcast. Be Happy-Be Inspired. Steve
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